Helen Tyson Middle School

Designated in 2008
Re-Designated in 2011,2014,2018
Hispanic 51%
White 30%
African American 3%
Asian 3%
Native American 1%
Pacific Islander 13%
Filipino 0%
Two or More 0%
Other 0%
School Characteristics and Replicable Practices
Academic Excellence
Foundational to our success is to set expectations for high student academic achievement.
Communicating daily/weekly in a clear manner to both students and parents, displaying exemplar samples of student work when teachers model expectations for daily lessons and assessments, and providing rubrics to students which set the standard of excellence and expectations for performance.
Staff use multiple points of data to provide support and intervention to their students.
Layers of a variety of supports for students and staff members including English Language Arts, English Language Learners, and Math.
After school scholars program, before and after school opportunities as well as 21st CLC is available for all students.
Prime Time is the glue that holds all supports together, combining the affective and academic needs.
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are focused on student improvement.
All students held to high expectations including English Language Learners (ELLs) and Special Education Students who are taught grade level standards.
English Language Development (ELD) program is crucial to the needs of our ELLs and migrant students.
Our staff encourages students to participate in programs such as ACT Honors Challenge and Duke TIP.
All students receive personalized learning.
Developmental Responsiveness
At the heart of Responsiveness is communication.
There is a consistent whole-student focus.
Service learning opportunities for all students are available to give back in a variety different clubs.
Teaming has led to the development of strong student-teacher bonding and close, respectful relationships between and among students and the adults.
We have strong partnerships with outside agencies.
A variety of club offerings are available for students.
Students are provided with multiple opportunities for leadership avenues and the administration is open to students’ ideas including CREW and LEAD.
Teachers offer opportunities for student voice in day to day learning.
Family nights are well-attended and are focused on different themes such as literacy and social studies, math and science, multicultural, sports, and movie night.
Social Equity
The cornerstone of Helen Tyson remaining an achieving school is how we assure that every student experiences a coherent and content-rich curriculum. In our district, “All means All”: All children will learn.This entails a solid education for “all” student within our building, regardless of the skill level they arrive with.
Guest speakers, student led performances and others in the community are utilized to enhance academics.
The Dynamic program focuses on Balfanz research to proactively target students in specific areas such as attendance, grades, and discipline.
Cultural diversity is ingrained in the school climate.
Students have a voice and feel heard, acknowledged, and respected.
Incoming students are provided orientation to ensure a smooth and orderly transition to the middle school.
Curricular decisions are made based on the diverse needs of our students.
Faculty and administration are involved in teaching a Prime Time as well as interventions.
Organizational Support
The cornerstone of Helen Tyson remaining an achieving school is how we assure that every student experiences a coherent and content-rich curriculum. In our district, “All means All”: All children will learn.This entails a solid education for “all” student within our building, regardless of the skill level they arrive with.
Master schedule indicates blocking for maximum instructional strategies and use of time.
Teachers meet consistently in data driven PLC’s.
Student-focused transition systems are in place and parents reported a welcoming enrollment process that is family oriented.
Student leaders can be the teachers in classes.
Community partners are alive and well in our school including the University of Arkansas, profit and nonprofit organizations and cultural leaders in the city.
The leaders and staff have a spirit of continuous improvement and reflection.