Brookland Middle School

Designated in 2011
Re-Designated in 2015
Community Size - Rural
School Enrollment - 378
Grade Levels - 5, 6
School Calendar - Block
Free and Reduced Lunch 37%
English Learners 3%
Students With Disabilities 8%
Hispanic 5%
White 90%
African American 2%
Asian 0%
Native American 0%
Pacific Islander 0%
Filipino 0%
Two or More 0%
Other 3%
School Characteristics and Replicable Practices
Academic Excellence
Implementation of “Zero Lab” provides an additional avenue for students to excel.
Availability of chromebooks for both fifth and sixth graders are housed in classrooms/
Teachers are trained in a variety of instructional strategies.
Building educators provide quality training to their colleagues in their area of expertise.
Online resources enhance core instruction for the classroom teacher.
Recognized for being in the top 20% of schools in Arkansas on state assessment results; acknowledged by the Office of Educational Performance at the University of Arkansas.
Developmental Responsiveness
Watch D.O.G.S program provides a way to incorporate parents into the school.
Second Chance Breakfast fosters the importance of health and wellness and also ensures the needs of all students are being met.
Career Day provides students the opportunity to discover potential occupational choices.
Protected Advisory time with the same adult advocate cultivates positive relationships and addresses the need of the “whole child”.
Parent Teacher Organization plays a vital role in assisting the school.
A well developed transition plan is in place for students both entering and exiting the building planning for student success.
Social Equity
Weekly Club Day embedded in Master Schedule in which students have a voice in choosing their student-led club.
Implementation of quality programs such as Zero Lab, RtI, and Red Wolves Read motivates students and fosters a culture of high expectations.
BMS utilizes many community partnerships enhancing opportunities for student success.
Differentiated instruction is a common practice in every classroom.
Organizational Support
Strong Student Council which allows for student voice and choice.
A multi-tiered RtI program is in place to support all students.
Professional Learning Communities are established by teams and by subject area.
The Master Schedule allows for teaming.
Central Office Personnel is supportive of the middle school concept and initiatives.
Principal is actively involved in promoting middle school concepts through participation in middle level organizations.