Crossett Middle School

Designated in - 2013
Re-Designated in- 2016
Community Size -Â Rural Community of 5,504
School Enrollment -Â 535
Grade Levels -Â 5,6,7,8
School Calendar -Â A/B Block
Free and Reduced Lunch - 22.32%Â
English Learners 1.87%
Students With Disabilities 3.23%
Hispanic 2.46%
White  59.33%
African American 37.13Â %
Asian .37%
School Characteristics and Replicable Practices
Academic Excellence
Teachers meet in grade level teams every day to design a curriculum that includes cross-curricular, research-based project evaluations, use of interactive technology, and differentiation strategies.
 Professional Learning Communities meet once a week to participate in job-embedded professional development, and student achievement.
CMS teachers provide guidance, connectedness, and support in the areas of academics to students through an Advisory period each day.
Teachers use the co-teaching model to tailor a personalized environment for students to increase their use of higher order thinking skills.
Students participate in cross-curricular project-based assessments to increase 21st Century Skills and higher order thinking.
5t​ h​ Graders not completing work must report to Intensive Care Unit to complete all assignments.
Project Lead the Way was implemented in Grade 5t​ h​-7t​ h​ to provide students opportunities to learning critic thinking and begin to explore career paths involving Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
Developmental Responsiveness
Classroom environments support the needs of all students.
Positive rapport exists between students and teachers.
Students have a voice and participate through a leadership group in making decisions that affect them.
Town Hall meetings are held once every nine weeks to celebrate academic, social, and community achievements.
Social Equity
The school supports civility, service and citizenship.
Differentiated instruction strategies are used to address various student learning styles.
Students are respected and appreciated by staff and each other.
 An abundance of club activities and school connection opportunities are available to students.
The school continually seeks to improve methods for meeting the needs of all students.
Staff members have high expectation for students as evidenced by work displays and student performances
CMS partners with the community to set examples of determination, perseverance, commitment, kindness, and acceptance of others through the Kindness program.
Organizational Support
The principal empowers staff by providing opportunities for collaborative problem-solving and decision making.
Flexibility within the block schedule provides for meeting the needs of students.
Families, community members and business partners are involved in many facets of the school.
Teaming periods allow teachers to meet and collaborate with parents, students, and team teachers.
Students are assigned to Advisory classes to meet the developmental needs of adolescents.